

As a fan of professional wrestling and bodybuilding as a youngster, Kevan was always in awe of physically fit physiques. As he came of age, he dedicated the time and energy to achieving one himself.

Today, with many years of experience he continues to work hard at his own fitness goals, while also helping others with theirs. His mindset with fitness is the same with his music, to inspire.

In his own words,

Exercise has really done amazing things in my life and for my confidence as a person. When people ask me how and why I look and feel the way I do, I tell them honestly that all those hours in the gym and eating the right foods is the reason.

Kevan continues to explain,

As a Christian, we believe our body is a a precious temple of God. I strongly believe by eating right, working out and taking care of yourself you are actively being thankful and appreciative of this amazing gift.  Fine tuning your body enables you to truly become the person you are meant to be in this world – with the ability to do the incredible things you were put on this earth to do.

Kevan recently received his MAT from Concordia University Chicago with a focus on Physical Education & Exercise Science. With the experience and knowledge he continues to obtain, Kevan has begun teaching, writing about fitness as well as crafting workout routines for people close to him. In the near future, he plans to go public by offering personal and group training sessions and fitness plans.